IP Warming Process in Marketing Automation
If you need to put some real money in your pockets emails are at your rescue. So what’s behind an email? Yes, you are right an “IP address” that is responsible for the routing of your data over the internet. For implementing a good automation strategy you need to be very crucial at each step where having a dedicated IP address is something you need to be concerned about.
An IP address is something by which your email server is identified by the other email servers. Therefore, at the time of taking into action your email marketing campaign and getting connected to your customers try to consider the IP warming process to extend the reach to your customers.
IP warming
Let me make it intelligible for you, the process of IP warming is a practice of slowly increasing the number of emails sent from a dedicated IP address as per a determined schedule. As a result of this, your IP address will be identified as a genuine email sender and also establish a healthy relationship with ISPs (Internet Service Provider).
When a new dedicated IP is added to your account you require warming it up. There is also a need to warm up your IP if you have not used it for sending emails for more than 30 days.
Why warm-up is essential?
You must be sending your emails from somewhere no matter which email platform you are using your IP address needs a good reputation to have the best email deliverability results.
Building a good reputation of your IP address is important because it helps in avoiding your emails to appear like spam. With better email quality and engaging content, you can get your email IP addresses to be noticed by an IP warm-up.
You can easily gain a reputation for your IP address by first using marketing automation for sending emails and then gradually warm up through which in every day you can spend hundreds and even thousands of emails. Warm-up is the most convenient way to have effective email marketing as it can help in reaching your emails into the subscriber’s inbox.
The warming-up process
If you are planning to begin with the IP warming process you need to know the following 3 steps:
- Get your contact sources divided according to their engagement
This is the initial step for marketers where they can deliver messages to their most engaging customers. This step is recommended so that you get your deliverability score increased by delivering messages to a good number of winning customers. You can get fast relies on your messages that is the engaging customers are more likely to open your emails and have an interaction. Here, we can relate the engaging customers as warm customers and the less engaging ones as the cold customers.
With the help of the contacts opt-in date and lead sources, you can find which contacts are warm and cold in your database. Make sure that you have the right information in the database to get your contacts sorted correctly.
Reviewing the contact sources
The next step is that the contact source(s) should be reviewed to find if any domain contains more than 5000 contacts. You may find a contact source with more than 5K contacts but the work doesn’t end here and needs additional throttling at the end that is while sending the final email. If your contact sources are divided through engagement, the queries resulted needs to be reviewed and if applicable needs to be divided.
To run this step successfully make note of all the domains exceeding 5000 contacts while also note that all the other contacts should be handled in a different query so that those contacts are not left in the final step. You should know how the noted domain should be handled and just remember in the first 24 hours do not send emails to more than 5000 contacts.
- A send schedule should be planned and established
This is the final step in IP warming where the quantity of the emails and when it should be sent should be decided. Based on the data stored in your sending list at the time of send the total number of mailing should be throttled.
As mentioned before on the first day the mailing list should not be exceeded by 5000 recipients while you can double the count in each domain in the next send. So for any domain, your send can be 5k on the first day and 10k on the second day and so on. Also, if there are less than 5000 recipients in any of your contact sources than there is no requirement of applying any throttling.
On the other side if you have not divided your domain and there are 5k contacts in each of the domains than throttling is needed. With a send schedule while warming your IP helps you to reach all your contacts.
You need to follow some good email practices to send engaging content in your email along with easy options to opt-out or having suitable call-to-action processes. Such practices will keep your IP address away from spam and build a good reputation for your emails in the market so that warming up your IP address becomes successful.
Hopefully, you have got a small jest of what is IP warming but do you still doubt about using it? Don’t worry I will help you out with all my efforts. As a founder and a skilled marketer, I have given the best strategies to my clients. With my years of experience, I can make warming up an IP address far easier than you must have imagined. Let the reach of your business to your customers increase by using the right warm-up technique.